+56 votes
How can I automatically save my photos to Google Drive? I want to know if there's a way to automatically back up my photos to Google Drive.
by (910 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer
Yes, you can back up your photos to Google Drive automatically using the Google Photos app. Here's how:

1. Download and install the Google Photos app on your device.

2. Open the app and sign in with your Google account.

3. Enable the 'Back up & sync' option in the app settings.

4. Choose the quality of photos you want to back up (original quality or high quality).

5. Select the folders or albums you want to back up.

6. Tap 'Start' to begin the backup process.

Once the backup is set up, your photos will be automatically saved to your Google Drive. You can also access them from any device with internet access.
by (640 points)
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